About the Speaker :
Worrin Muivah is currently the Founder and CEO of STEP Academy In Dimapur, Nagaland and the Founder and Director of STEP North-East in Imphal, Manipur. He has over seven years of experience in the development and corporate sector across 4 countries in Europe and Asia. He is a Young India Fellow, a liberal arts postgraduate Fellowship delivered in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania, King’s College London, Sciences Po Paris, University of California Berkeley and Yale University. Worrin completed his Master’s in Development Studies, specializing in Human Rights, Peace and Conflict Studies from the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University, in The Hague, Netherlands, on a fully funded scholarship from the Government of India.
Prior to setting up STEP, Worrin was the Head of Marketing/Outreach and Senior Programme Manager at The Naropa Fellowship. Worrin has also worked with Leaders’ Quest as a Program Coordinator and has been a part of three successful Quests in Romania, Malaysia and China. Previously, Worrin worked with N-Sight Consulting, a Think Tank specializing in the sphere of social policy and electoral behavior, where he successfully headed their North East India project enabling their client to emerge as the single largest party in the state election. Worrin has also worked with Amnesty International India in their “Undertrials Project” where he and his team successfully investigated the causes of excessive undertrial detention in the Indian prison system and campaigned for systemic change in the criminal justice system. They successfully published their findings in a report titled, “Justice Under Trial: A Study of Pre-trial Detention in India
Linkedin profile : https://www.linkedin.com/in/worrin-muivah/