M.A. Ist Year Scholarships 2023: Interview Notice
Attention: All those who sat for the scholarship exam are invited for an interview at 11 am on Friday the 10th of March, 2023 in the Department of Sociology .
M.A. Ist Year Scholarships Announcement 2023
Department of Sociology Delhi school of Economics University of Delhi Notice MA Ist year students Award of 8 National Scholarships and the Veena Dua Scholarship Applications are invited for the scholarships mentioned above. Please fill out the form attached here and email it to mascholarshipsdse@gmail.com by Friday the 3rd of Feb, 2023 by 5pm. A …
Govt. of NCT Delhi: Scholarships for SC/ST/OBC/Minorities
Further information is available here.
The department is offering an Open Elective (Sociological Thinkers) this semester for students from departments other than sociology. This is the only 4 credit elective available for students from other departments, and sociology department students cannot take this as an elective. Following the DU Academic Calendar, IV classes for MA have begun in the department …