The First Alumni Meet (contributory) of the Department of Sociology will be held on November 2, 2019. The Program is as follows:
Alumni-Meet-ProgrammeAlumni Meet and Network Registration
All those who have already registered to attend the meeting, kindly make your contribution for the same as per the details sent to you. Please note that you must make the payment in order to re-confirm your participation.
In case you have not yet registered for the meet, then the first step is to fill up the alumni meet form (click here to do so) and then make the contribution as per the details we shall send you. Your contribution should reach us by the 28th of October.
All alumni of the Department of Sociology who have not yet registered on the alumni directory of the Department are requested to do so as soon as possible. The link to the registration form can be accessed here. Please note that you should also register in the alumni database before registering for the event. Registration will also allow you access to the alumni directory and you will also be able to receive regular updates sent to the alumni.
If you have any queries please write to
Dr. Anuja Agrawal (Alumni Coordination Committee)
Aditya Vardhan Singh Choudhary (MA Final, Student Member of the Committee)