Notice for Ph.D. Students enrolled in the Department
A soft and hard copy of all applications for extensions as well as other applications like change of title must be submitted to the office, in addition to being uploaded on the PhD extension portal. Email: Department Research Committee
Amended Ph.D. Ordinance and Revised Ph.D. Thesis Submission Form
Download the revised Ph.D. Thesis Submission Form here.
“Living Together but Separately: Everyday Lives on the Foothills of the Assam-Nagaland Border” (27 October, 2021)
Link to join the meeting:
“Our Father’s Land: Descent, Land and Belonging in North Andaman” (21 October, 2021)
Link to join the meeting:
MA Admissions 2021-22
For any queries regarding MA Sociology Admissions (2021-22), candidates must contact: 1. Dr. Shashi Bhushan Singh Email: Mob: 9810088360 (call between 9am to 6pm only) with a copy to: 2. Prof. Janaki Abraham Email: Mob: 9891466735 (call between 9am to 6pm only) M.A. Admissions: 1. Nodal Officer: Dr. Shashi Bhushan Singh Email: / Mob:9810088360 (call between 9am to …