Abhijit Dasgupta
Professor (Retired)
D.Phil. (University of Sussex)
Research Interests: Agrarian structure, sociology of development, and the sociology of social movements.
- dasgupta90@hotmail.com
Brief Introduction
Abhijit Dasgupta, M.A. (Delhi), D.Phil. (Sussex), was Professor of Sociology when he retired from the Department in August 2019. His research interests include agrarian structure, sociology of development, and the sociology of social movements. He has edited (with S. Bandyopadhyaya and W. Van Schendel) Bengal: Communities, Development and States (1994). He has authored Growth with Equity: The New Technology and Agrarian Change in Bengal (1998) and also co-authored (with Imtiaz Ahmed and Kathinka Sinha-Kerkhoff) State, Society and Displaced People in South Asia (2004).