Meenakshi Thapan
Professor (Retired)
Ph.D. (University of Delhi)
Research Interests: Sociology of education, sociology of migration and gender studies.
- citizencivic.09@gmail.com
Brief Introduction
Meenakshi Thapan, M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D. (Delhi), was Professor of Sociology when she retired from the Department in September 2019. She was also Co-ordinator, D.S. Kothari Centre for Science, Ethics and Education, University of Delhi and Director of Delhi School of Economics at the time of her retirement. Her research interests are sociology of education, sociology of migration and gender studies. She is the author of Life at School: An Ethnographic Study (1991, second edition, 2006). She has edited Embodiment: Essays on Gender and Identity (1997); Anthropological Journeys: Reflections on Fieldwork (1998); Transnational Migration and the Politics of Identity as part of the general series on ‘Women and Migration in Asia’ (2006). She has co-edited (with Roland Lardinois) Reading Pierre Bourdieu in a dual context: Essays from India and France (2006). She has also authored Living the Body: Embodiment, Womanhood and Identity in Contemporary India (2009) and edited Ethnographies of Schooling in Contemporary India (2014).