Radhika Chopra
Professor (Retired)
Ph.D. (University of Delhi)
Research Interests: Militancy movements; Transnational Migration; Memory and Memorials; Gender and Masculinities; Punjab Studies; Visual cultures.
- radhika.chopra@gmail.com
Brief Introduction
Radhika Chopra, M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D. (Delhi) was Professor in Sociology when she retired from the Department in August 2020.
Her areas of interest are Militancy movements; Transnational Migration; Memory and Memorials; Gender and Masculinities; Punjab Studies; Visual cultures. She is the author of Amritsar 1984: A City Remembers (Lexington Books, 2018); Militant and Migrant: The Politics and Social History of Punjab (Routledge, 2011), and has edited Reframing Masculinities: Narrating the Supportive Practices of Men (Orient Longman, 2007). She has co-edited (with C. Osella, and F. Osella), South Asian Masculinities: Contexts of Change, Sites of Continuity (2004) and (with P. Jeffery) Educational Regimes in Contemporary India (2005). She was the Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Contemporary Indian Ethnographies in Men and Masculinities, (Volume 9, October 2006). She was the curator of a film-cum-discussion series “Making Migrants: Dialogues through Film” and “School in Cinema” . She is on the editorial boards of peer reviewed journals Culture Society and Masculinities, Men’s Studies Press and Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory (Taylor and Francis).