Sunil Babu C.T
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Jawaharlal Nehru University)
Research Interests: Philosophy of Social Science; Social and Political Theory; Modernity and Nation-State; Caste, Media and Political Process; History of Indian Sociology; Indian Sociological Theories; Politics of Knowledge Production; Tribe, Education and the question of Marginality.
- sunilbabujnu@gmail.com
Brief Introduction
Sunil Babu C.T, M.Phil (J.N.U), PhD (J.N.U.), is Assistant professor of Sociology, previously taught in Nagpur University. His teaching and research are concerned with interdisciplinary orientations in social sciences. More specifically, his areas of specialization implicate the interdisciplinary domain of inquiry such as Philosophy of Social Science, Social and Political Theory, Indian Sociology, Education, Cultural Politics of Marginalisation, Caste, Media and Political Process and Modernity and Politics of Knowledge Production with special focus on colonialism, capitalism, Centre-periphery questions etc. He has published articles in Economic and Political Weekly, Interdisciplinary Policy Research and Action etc.