FRIDAY RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM: 3:00pm 17th March 2023. Mahesh Rangarajan: How the tiger became Indian: Faunal nationalism, science and society 1969-2019. 13th March 2023
FRIDAY RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM: 3:00pm 3rd March 2023. Vivek Kumar: How egalitarian is Indian sociology? 1st March 2023
FRIDAY RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM: 3:00pm 24th February 2023. Sharib Zeya: Modernities and Repertories: Social imaginaries after Ayodhya. 21st February 2023
FRIDAY RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM: 3:00pm 10th February 2023. Svati Shah: The quest for a fieldsite: Lessons on producing space from sexuality research in India. 9th February 2023
FRIDAY RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM: 3:00pm 3rd February 2023. Irfanullah Farooqui: When a poet insists he is not one: Reflections in the light of Muhammad Iqbal’s letters. 1st February 2023