Ph.D. Admissions 2023, Round II: Eligible Candidates List
In response to the previous notice put up on the Department website, the following candidates have submitted their research proposals to the Department and are found provisionally eligible (subject to verification of all information provided) for Round II. Subject to their fulfilling all other eligibility requirements, these candidates will be called for the Department Level …
Ph.D. Admissions 2023, Round II: Eligible Candidates List Read More »
Ph.D. Admissions 2023, Round II: Important Information
If you are an applicant for the 2nd round of admissions in the PhD program, Department of Sociology, you were required to submit your research proposal to the department as per the Notice on the department website. In case you have not done so, you are required to submit your proposal immediately using THIS LINK only (and not …
Ph.D. Admissions 2023, Round II: Important Information Read More »
Ph.D. Admissions 2023, Round II: University Notice, Department Procedure and Important Dates
Procedure for Admission to be followed by the Department is as per the Notice previously displayed on the Department Website. All students who are eligible for Round II of the Ph.D. Admissions 2023 must register through the University Portal as specified in the above notice. Additionally, all eligible students should ALSO submit their research proposal …