Ph.D. Pre-Submission Seminar: Virien Chopra, “How do comics communicate: Analysing semantic formations in comics”. Thursday, 16th March, 2023, 3:00 pm, Srinivas Seminar Room. 14th March 2023
FRIDAY RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM: 3:00pm 17th March 2023. Mahesh Rangarajan: How the tiger became Indian: Faunal nationalism, science and society 1969-2019. 13th March 2023
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination: Shivani Katara, “Conceptualising reproductive health and family planning practices: A study among married Muslim women in a small town of Uttar Pradesh”. Friday, 17 March, 2023, 1:30 pm, online. 11th March 2023
FRIDAY RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM: 3:00pm 3rd March 2023. Vivek Kumar: How egalitarian is Indian sociology? 1st March 2023
FRIDAY RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM: 3:00pm 24th February 2023. Sharib Zeya: Modernities and Repertories: Social imaginaries after Ayodhya. 21st February 2023
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination: Soumodip Sinha, “Social Location and Political Assertion: An Ethnography of Student Union Activism in Delhi”. Monday, 20 February, 2023, 8:30 am, online. 19th February 2023